Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are not only committed journalist but serve as a brilliant prop for Obama's vision as a high powered grassroots movement. Honored to have met them last night. Sheryl's face lit up when I mentioned "Half the Sky" was our book club selection this month!
During the whole feminist hoopla, Camille Paglia very wisely raised the point that the majority of women partner and raise children with men...leaving men behind doesn't serve society any better than having them in the position to simply abuse power...A point Nicolas and Sheryl also bring up...Equality needs to be the empowerment of both genders...Having a world of Amazonian women and Weenie men wouldn't be an egalitarian ideal of any sort...although in the case of the Pakistani woman who slipped sleeping pills into two of her brother's-captor's chapati in order to escape, had me in the penny seats of the Globe Theatre...laughing heartily.
For what's equivalent to a few pennies a day we can send a child to school. Please join Nicholas and Sheryl's movement by sponsoring a child or a pair of children, one female and one male, in any one of the many organizations supporting women listed in the appendix of "Half the Sky."